An Extraordinary Day in March | A WASP Congressional Gold Medal by Julia Lauria-Blum

On an extraordinary day in March of 2010, I stood before the steps of the U.S. Capitol, admiring the majestic beauty of its immediately familiar white dome rising over 285 […]
A Day in the Life | From Houston to Avenger Field by Julia Lauria-Blum
In November 1942 the very first class of the WFTD (Women’s Flying Training Detachment) Class 43-W-1, arrived in Houston where they trained at Houston Municipal Airport (briefly called Howard Hughes […]
On the Home Front and Overseas | The Impact of ‘Woman-power’ During WWII by Julia Lauria-Blum
To simply say that American women played a critical role as ‘weapons’ in the war effort during World War II, would be a drastic understatement. To put that in context, […]
WASP in the Spotlight – Panel – WASP Celebration Brunch
PANEL DETAILS Friday, April 26, 2024 10:00 – 11:00 AM | 1000 – 1100 hrs. Moderator: Lt Col Olga Custodio, USAF (Ret) Located at Texas State Technical College (TSTC) during […]
‘Sasha’ – Aviation Visionary & Air Power Advocate by Julia Lauria-Blum
When recalling the names of pioneering innovators who made their mark within the aviation industry and advocated for airpower during World War II, Russian-born émigré Alexander de Seversky may not […]
Towing Targets… and Other Dangerous Liaisons by Julia Lauria-Blum
As the WASP performed a great variety of duties outside of ferrying missions, many of the women in the WFTD Training Command were selected for classified, high-risk flight operations. One […]
The Winter 2023 Newsletter is here!
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! Keep up to date with the latest news, articles, and events at the WASP WWII Museum. To read, download the Winter 2023 Newsletter here.
Jackie Cochran and the Need for Speed by Julia Lauria-Blum
Jackie Cochran climbed to 45,000 feet in a Canadair F-86 Sabre jet, leaving a contrail of ice crystals behind her path. Achieving the highest altitude necessary, she did a split […]
Remembering Marie & Shutsy by John Marsh
My mother, Marie Barrett Marsh, 43-W-7, was a distinguished member of the Women Airforce Service Pilots. From an early age, I was proud of my mother and knew I would […]
How the WASP Won Their Militarization by Sarah Byrn Rickman
Here’s a little-known piece of WASP militarization history! Nancy Batson Crews – an original WAFS [the Women’s Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron that preceded the WASP] – served 1972-1975 as President of The […]